Subject: HP Graphic Programmers Library Author: Michael Jenkins/Snappy Software Uploaded By: PDA Jeff Date: 9/19/1997 File: SS95.ZIP (26867 bytes) Estimated Download Time (46456 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 502 Equipment: IBM Compat/HP95LX Needs: DOS or Mac Unzipper Utility Keywords: HP95LX, Basic, Programing, QuickBASIC 4.5, Graphics, Shareware, Snappy, Jenkins SS95.LIB 1.0 KEYWORDS: HP95LX, Basic, Programing, QuickBASIC 4.5, Graphics, Shareware, Snappy, Jenkins This library is designed for HP 95LX BASIC programmers for use with QuickBASIC 4.5. If you've ever written a program using the standard BASIC compilers, you've probably found that graphics are out of the question. A lot can be done in text mode, but it's nice to have the option of graphics. There are BASIC compilers that allow HP 95LX graphics programming, but they are rather expensive. This library gives you the comfort of using your own compiler, and is very cheap. The trade off is that your programs will not be system manager compliant. This file has been checked and is known to be virus-free at the time of uploading. This file can be found in the PDA/Palmtop Forum's Software Libraries (Keyword PDA). This program has been uploaded and posted with the express permission of the author.